PT PLN (Persero) sebagai perusahaan milik negara (BUMN) dalam lowongan kerja bumn terbaru 2011 mengundang lulusan SMA dan SMK untuk sukses bersama tim kami :
Regional Aceh
Teknisi Distribusi (Jaringan)/ PDKB (Pekerjaan Dalam Keadaan Bertegangan) (Code: TEKDIS): SMA/MAN IPA or SMK Listrik
Operator Distribusi/ Jaringan (Code: OPDIS): SMA/MAN IPA or SMK Listrik
Operator Pembangkit (Code: OPKIT): SMA/MAN IPA or SMK Mesin/ Listrik
General Requirements
- Male, not married
- Graduated from SMA/MAN IPA or SMK Mesin/ Listrik
- Minimum UAN score average 6.70
- Year of birth 1991 or thereafter
- Minimum height 155 cms. For TEKDIS/ PDKB minimum height 160 cms and not suffering altophobia
- Sound mind and body, doesnt have eye disabilities (night myopia, farsightedness/ minus, cylindrical, and other eye defects) and do not suffer from epilepsy based on examination of the company designated doctor/ lab
- Pass all test stages: Seleksi Administrasi, Tes Akademis, Tes Fisik, Psikotes, Wawancara, Tes Kesehatan and Diklat Prajabatan
- For those who graduated SMA/SMK rank 1 to 10 doesnt need to follow the Tes Akademis
- Placement: all over Aceh (preferably Simeuleu, Meulaboh, Singkil, Kutacane, Blangkejeren, Subulussalam)
- Closing date: September 30, 2011
Regional Kalimantan Timur
Pelaksana Bidang Distribusi (Code: DIST): SMA IPA/Sederajat or SMK Listrik/ Mesin
Pelaksana Bidang Pembangkitan (Code: KIT): SMA IPA/Sederajat or SMK Listrik/ Mesin
Pelaksana Bidang Penyaluran (Code: LUR): SMA IPA/Sederajat or SMK Listrik/ Mesin
General Requirements
- Male
- Graduated from: SMA/ Sederajat majoring in IPA; SMA majoring in Powerline/ Electricity Installation and Mechanical
- Year of birth 1991 or thereafter
- Minimum height 160 cms (DIST, LUR) and 155 cms (KIT)
- Minimum UAN score average 7.00
- Not married
- Having proportional weight (BMI max. 30)
- Sound mind and body
- Bodied and not color blind
- Not wearing glasses
- Not smoking
- Doesnt have tattoo and piercing
- Never involved in a criminal act
- Closing date: September 16, 2011
Regional Nusa Tenggara Barat
Tenaga Pelaksana: SMA IPA and SMK Teknik Mesin/ Listrik
General Requirements
- Male, not married
- SMA IPA graduates with minimum NEM/UAN score for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is 6; SMK Teknik Mesin/ Listrik graduate with minimum NEM/ UAN score for Mathematics is 6, and minimum UAS score for Physics and Chemistry is 6
- Year of birth 1991 or thereafter
- Minimum height 160 cms and not suffering altophobia
- Sound mind and body
- No smoking
- Pass all test stages: Seleksi Administrasi, Tes Akademis, Tes Fisik, Psikotes, Wawancara, Tes Kesehatan and Diklat Prajabatan
- Closing date: September 16, 2011
Should you interested please download official info at link below.